Rifugio Pizzini, Frattola

  • Region: Lombardia
  • Mountain Group: Ortles – Cevedale
  • Ubication: Valfurva
  • Latitude and Longitude: Lat 46.452778 Long 10.578611
  • Map n° 8 Tabacco 1:25000
  • Altitude: 2.706 m
  • Opening Times: from 01/07/20 until mid-September (depending on weather conditions) every day.. In case of snow forecast or bad weather we suggest to contact the manager to verify the opening of the Refuge
  • Telephone: 0342 935513
  • Web: – www.rifugiopizzini.it
  • Keeper: Claudio Compagnoni
  • Beds: 100


Along the path Italy the building rise at the end of the Cedec valley, near the Grand Zebru , the Cevedale and the Pizza Tresero .

A first refuge, destroyed during the first world war, , was rebuilt in 1926 and dedicated at the memory of Luigi E.Pizzini, famous alpinist of Milan. Another time increase and refurbished in 1982 thanks to the  donation of Mayr Frattola , it take the new denomination of Pizzini-Frattola in the memory of the general of the alpines Carlo Frattola and of the son Augusto , slain on the” Cima Grande” of Lavaredo.



From Bormio  continue on  the SS 300 , and we reach Santa Caterina Valfurva ( 1734 m) Following the signage we reclimb  Dei Forni ‘s valley with a lot of tigh bends  up to the HoteL dei Forni (2178 m) and of the wide parking lot .From here we continue on foot along the road , close at the private traffic , that leave at the left the hotle and climb in the North-east direction across a wood of centuries cemberi. At the second bend that detach a path that go up to the refuge ( 1,30 hour)