Rifugio Branca Martinelli

  • Region: Lombardia
  • Mountain Group: Gruppo Ortles – Cevedale
  • Ubication: Valle dei Forni Comune di Valfurva
  • Latitude and Longitude: Lat 46.414861 Long 10.584167
  • Map n° 8 Tabacco 1:25000
  • Altitude: 2493
  • Opening Times: From  26/06/20 until mid-September every day. In case of snow or bad weather forecast we recommend contacting the keeper to verify the opening of the refuge.
  • Telephone:0342 935501
  • Web: www.rifugiobranca.it
  • Keeper: Eugenio Alberti
  • Beds: 102


It is located over the tiny Lake of Rosole. The construction of the refuge began in 1932 thanks to the donation of Mrs Giuseppina Branca,  who wanted it in memory of her brother Cesare Branca, renowned and esteemed alpinist of Milan. Donated to CAI Milano, it was inaugurated in 1933. In 1978 Martinelli Refuge was built nearby, donated by Luigi Martinelli, for a long time CAI Inspector of the Branca Refuge, in memory of his  brother Genisio. From Bormio, reach Santa Caterina Valfurva, in Stelvio National Park, then drive up on a winding mountain road and reach the parking lot of Hotel Ghiacciaio dei Forni (2170m). Follow the path leading to the small dam and lake collecting the waters from Forni Glacier. Overpass Cedec Stream on a bridge, continue straight on, disregard a muletrack to Malga dei Forni on the left, and enjoy the view of Forni Glacier and most of the famous Tredici Cime on your right. The last stretch of the path is steeper, with rocks, and after some tight bends the refuge is finally on sight and easily reached (1,00 h).