Rifugio Canziani

  • Region: Trentino Alto Adige
  • Mountain Group: Ortles – Cevedale
  • Ubication: Località Lago Verde
  • Latitude and Longitude: Lat 46.565407 Long 10.991821
  • Map 45 Tabacco  1:25000
  • Altitude: 2561
  • Opening Times: from 02/06/18 to 14/10/18 every day. In case of snow or bad weather forecast we recommend  contacting the keeper to verify the opening of the refuge
  • Telephone: 0473 798120
  • Web: ww.rifugiocanziani.it
  • Keeper: DominiKus Bertagnolli
  • Beds: 65


Canziani Refuge is located in a lateral valley of  D’Ultimo Valley  in a wonderful place on the banks of Green Lake.  Built in 1969, it was named after Umberto Canziani, a brave Alpine officer,  who died in 1915 at Vrsic .  He was a member of our association and a founder of  Ski Club CAI Milano.  


From Lana m 316 continue to San Pancrazio m 736, Santa Valpurga m 1131, Lago di Zoccolo, San Nicolò,  and arrive at Santa Gertrude D’Ultimo m 1504, entrance to Stelvio National Park. The road continues up to the dam of Fontana Bianca Lake (1879 m) and the parking lot near ENEL Hydroelectric Center. From here, follow a comfortable path (nr 140) among pastures and woods, later becoming steeper to climb above tree level, and continuing on rocks ond stones up to Green Lake Barrier.  A narrow road leads  to  Enel Cable Car Upper Station  and then to the refuge (2 h).